

Chris Evans is a British Photographer specialising in Digital and Medium format photography.

Her earlier career started by qualifying in medicine, specialising in Psychiatry and being the lead consultant in an Adolescent Unit for disturbed adolescents. This was followed by retraining in adult psychoanalytic psychotherapy and working with organisations families and individuals. After working with the Genetics department at University Hospital Cardiff, Chris published a book entitled’ Genetic Counselling’ which is still the standard text for geneticists and genetic counsellors.

Chris was fortunate to learn about Welsh art through the Contemporary Arts Society for Wales where she was Lecture Secretary for 15years before becoming the buyer and finally the Chair for 5 years.

During all this time photography was a passion and developed through numerous workshops before taking it to a more formal qualification of an MA in Documentary Photography.

My career of exhibiting has been in Bay Art, Llanover Hall and Barry Arts.

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